Wrangler Volleyball Looks to End Conference Play Strong

Wrangler Volleyball Looks to End Conference Play Strong

The Cisco College Wranglers Volleyball will host rival and conference foe Ranger College tonight at 5:00pm. After a huge conference win last Thursday against Temple College, the Wranglers are preparing to use that momentum as they get ready to face their last two conference opponents. 

The Wranglers come into the game in the middle of a 4 team battle for second place with just two games remaining. The Wranglers, at 6-4 in the NTJCAC, will have a chance to draw even with Ranger, who sit at 7-3, Tuesday evening. They will wrap up their conference season at Hill College on Thursday at 5pm, who is also in the mix of teams fighting for 2nd place.

The Wranglers have won five of their last six matches and seem to be peaking at the right time. The keys to victory for the Wranglers this week, according to Coach Jon Stenman, "The Ranger match tonight is a big one for us.  Not only are they just ahead of us in the Conference standings, it is also Sophomore Night.  There is going to be a lot of emotion and we need to come out determined to play our game and not let unforced errors beat us.  We played a tremendous team game last Thursday and if we can match that level of determination, we have a great shot of controlling our own destiny in the fight for the #2 seed."